Auditorium 187 Arnold Schönberg (1874 – 1951) Pelleas und Melisande, op. 5 Scritto il 25 Agosto 20245 Ottobre 2024 Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Stampa a cura di Paolo PellegriniPROGRAMMAArnold Schönberg (1874 – 1951)Pelleas und Melisande, op. 5Poema sinfonico dal romanzo di Maurice Maeterlinck Theme of destiny Theme of the ring The awakening of Melisande`s love A fountain in the park Golo’s suspicion and jealousy A castle tower The castle vaults A fountain in the park Pelleas and Melisande: love scene and farewell Melisande’s grief – theme 1 Melisande’s grief – theme 2 Melisande dies in her room Love awakens in the dying Melisande Melisande dies Golo’s despair: theme of the ringGustav Mahler JugendorchesterClaudio Abbado, direttor